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From our blog

The Remote Practitioner

The Remote Practitioner

The Remote Practitioner Turnkey news R3 Recovery Newsletter Feature – May 2020 Darren White and Deborah Baxter offer solutions for IPs currently working under lockdown. Turnkey is delighted to feature in this month’s R3 Recovery News. At Turnkey we have been helping...

The Rise of The Robots

The Rise of The Robots

The rise of the robots Turnkey news R3 Recovery Newsletter Feature – June 2021Darren White explains robotic process automation for the insolvency workplace. Turnkey is delighted to feature in R3 Recovery News. In my recent article for RECOVERY (The future of...

Automate your insolvency processes

Automate your insolvency processes

Automate Your Insolvency Processes Turnkey news Turnkey is delighted to announce the launch of Accelerate for IPS Cloud and IPS SQLTurnkey is delighted to announce the launch of Accelerate for IPS Cloud and IPS SQL in partnership with Tquila Automation. Work smarter...