Turnkey news

We’ve always made a fuss about listening to our customers; it helps us shape our products

We’ve always made a fuss about listening to our customers; it helps us shape our products and services to reflect what you really want. So we thought we’d go one step further – and sent out detailed questionnaires. The results make pretty interesting reading.

You like our courses – you’d just like us to get around a bit more
Overall, it looks like our training courses are being well received and most people are happy with the frequency and content. We’ll be looking at your ideas for additional topics.

Training locations also seem to suit most users; historically we’ve run courses in London, Glasgow and Manchester. The most frequently requested additional location was Birmingham – so we’ve started to run courses there as well. We’re also looking at your other suggested locations; if enough people find it useful, we’ll make it happen.

Lastly, most firms seem to be aware that we also offer tailored, on-site training. It’s a good way to ensure everyone is up to speed, and can be very cost effective when you have lots of users.

80% use the IPS support service

More than 8-in-10 respondents use the service, some daily – and many when they need help with upgrades. The level of support was highly rated as well. The vast majority of you thought our support was good, very good or excellent. Whilst only six respondents described IPS support as satisfactory, we want to be more than just ‘satisfactory’ for all of our customers. As a result we’re looking at ways to further improve our helpline service.

What you said about our support

We were delighted to find that many of you went on to be more specific about the support you received:-

  • ‘Excellent, 10 out of 10’
  • ‘Always happy with level of support provided’
  • ‘The response is quick and we get the help we need’
  • ‘We always receive a very good service’
  • ‘Very helpful, exceptional’

Upgrade support…….it’s covered

It turns out most user firms deal with IPS upgrades in-house, with only a handful turning to a third party for support.  A similarly small number use Turnkey to apply the upgrades.

But here’s the thing – upgrade support is covered by your IPS licence. Only around 30% seemed to be aware of that. Since issuing the questionnaire, many more of you have come to us to manage your upgrades. If you haven’t yet, please bear this in mind – especially if you are paying to bring in a third party. Remember, upgrades are important and ensure you’re working with the latest compliant procedures.

Thanks for your ideas
When we asked for development suggestions, a few of you did take the time to pass on your ideas. Some have already been incorporated, so many thanks.

The results of your feedback give us confidence that we’re moving in the right direction with IPS. We are committed to improving the product in line with changing legislation, good practice, technology developments and user needs. Your replies help us to do this and are very much appreciated.

Ready to discover more?

Schedule your demo of IPS Cloud to see the software in action