IPS User Group 2024
Wednesday 4th December | The ICAEW, London

Registrations are open!
Book now to secure your place at the 34th annual IPS User Group Meeting. This year’s event will be held on Wednesday 4th December 2024 at the ICAEW in London.
What to expect at the IPS User Group
We have an exciting agenda planned for the day covering IPS SQL, IPS Cloud and Personal Insolvency. The final agenda and list of sponsors can be viewed below.
Get the most out of IPS with our hints & tips
Learn all the latest hints and tips from our product experts to help save you time and use IPS to the fullest
Workshops with IPS Experts
Choose a workshop where you’ll team up with other users and take on a challenge to score points for your team
Update on IPS Cloud
Darren White will provide an update on the roadmap for IPS Cloud and a sneak peek at the latest updates
Meet Our Exhibitors
Join us at the 34th IPS User Group to meet our exhibitors and learn more about how their unique solutions can help your insolvency practice.
This year we are joined by some returning faces as well as a variety of new exhibitors to explore.

Finvence is a pioneering technology company that specialise in delivering innovative and data-driven solutions to the insolvency and debt recovery sectors. Experts in Machine Learning and AI, Robotic Process Automation and high-end data analytics, Finvence have developed a suite of best-in-class products that help firms dramatically reduce their OPEX, prevent breakages, interactively engage with their clients and help deliver quality and sustainable debt solutions.

Virtual Cabinet is a trusted innovator, offering integrated document management and e-signature solutions, specifically designed to empower insolvency practitioners in enhancing operational efficiency, security, and compliance. Renowned for our flagship product and the newly extended Virtual Cabinet Cloud Suite, we provide seamless IPS integration and secure cloud-based offerings for convenient document access from any device.

Postworks can revolutionise your postal process, say goodbye to printing, folding, and trips to the Post Office. We’ve onboarded hundreds of insolvency companies, enabling remote regulatory post management while…wait for it… ensuring CAT 1 compliance.
Discover Postworks Receive, our digital inbound post solution. We handle opening, scanning, and provide online access with a full audit trail and bank level encryption.

Armalytix is a data intelligence firm that allows consumers to safely share Open Banking and other data to deliver financial insights to accounting professionals, auditors and insolvency practitioners.
Chasing clients for bank statements and conducting client due diligence is more frustrating and time-consuming than it needs to be. Armalytix requests, chases and securely delivers the right client information every time, across multiple accounts, direct from their banks – all in a few clicks.
An Introduction from Turnkey
Turnkey’s CEO, Deborah Baxter, will be providing an update on everything that has been going on at Turnkey over the last year.
The Evolution of PI: Inception to Delivery
Craig McDonnell, Director of Personal Insolvency, and Dwight Jones, UX Lead, will lead our clients through our journey to PI thus far, our Personal Insolvency product.
Slido Poll Session
A session fully dedicated to you – to your feedback, comments and suggestions.
Darren White will be returning to the stage to share his latest insights on AI.
Hints & Tips
Another session led by our Global Head of Product Darren White.
AOB & Chairman’s Closing Comments
Sonia McNamara, At Cause Ltd.
We are delight to welcome Sonia to our annual User Group this year, who will discuss the importance of work-life balance in our industry.
Introducing Proven, Finvence
Our partners at Finvence will introduce our clients to our latest product, Proven.
IPS Cloud Roadmap
Global Head of Product, Darren White, will provide a demo of IPS Cloud followed by an overview of what’s on our roadmap. There will also be an opportunity to provide your feedback and tell us what you’d like to see added to the roadmap.
IPS Cloud Training Session
Michelle Mills, Head of Training and Adoption will be sharing an update on the training available through the Turnkey Academy.
Click the button below to view a detailed agenda for the IPS User Group.
IPS Cloud Blog
Visit our blog for the latest updates, opinions and industry insights from the IPS team
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IPS Cloud Brochure
The IPS Cloud Brochure contains a complete product overview including all the great features
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Cloud Comparison
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Benefits of IPS Cloud
The Benefits of IPS Cloud flyer will help you understand how IPS Cloud can help your firm
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