Like every business, we understand that the things we do as we carry out
our work will have an impact on the environment
Like every business, we understand that the things we do as we carry out our work will have an impact on the environment. As a group, we’re committed to minimising this impact. So we regularly review our procedures to make sure we comply with all relevant legislation and regulations. We’re continually improving our management of waste, and taking steps to better control our water and energy use.
We need to maintain our premises, and purchase equipment and materials to carry out our work. When we do this we take into account the environmental impact as well as economic, safety considerations and long term sustainability.
We understand that staff buy-in and involvement is essential to help us meet our environmental objectives and targets. We actively encourage staff ideas at all levels of the company, and strive to embed sustainable business within our culture.
Contact Us
UK Regions: +44 141 644 5444
Asia-Pacific: +617 2104 9050
Monday-Friday: 9am – 5.30pm
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